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Разум или чувства?

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Зарегистрирован: 12.03.2012
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СообщениеДобавлено: 12.03.2012 21:49    Заголовок сообщения: Разум или чувства? Ответить с цитатой


Последний раз редактировалось: Nuga (01.05.2012 23:59), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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СообщениеДобавлено: 12.03.2012 21:58    Заголовок сообщения: Re: Разум или чувства? Ответить с цитатой

Nuga пишет:
Он предлагает как вариант переехать к нему. Для меня это практически нереально - здесь у меня всё - друзья, работа, какой-то сформировавшийся стиль жизни - всё ставить на карту исключительно ради одного человека, переезжать в специфическую страну где ничего нет - правильно ли это?

Почитайте истории про женщин, оказавшихся в гаремах и арабских борделях - полегчает.
Он предлагает не рвать всё сразу и окончательно - посмотреть как будет скалдываться. Но опять же - на что смотреть, не будет ли это иллюзией или тягомотиной, в которой мы оба только зависнем и еще сложнее будет выпутаться?

Будет. Именно иллюзией и тягомотиной.
Я боюсь ошибиться в своем решении.

Вы же сами все понимаете. Жизнь вам помогла уберечься - устроила его отъезд. Пользуйтесь этим шансом, чтобы очухаться, другого может не быть.
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Зарегистрирован: 11.11.2010
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СообщениеДобавлено: 12.03.2012 22:06    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Как вариант: приезжать к нему по возможности. Этакий роман на расстоянии. у моей подруги так было. Он - в Лондоне, она - здесь. Тёплая переписка в фейбуке, его редкие приезды сюда, её поездки в туманный Лондон. Цветы, заказанные по интернету ей на ДР от его имени. Очен красивая история, которая постепенно сошла на нет, оставив в её душе очень тёплые воспоминания и благодарность за красивую лав-стори.
А кидаться в омут с головой не стоит. Тем более, что-то в вас сопротивляется этому. Радикальное измение обараза жизни и переезд в другую страну требует трезвых рассуждений, а не любовной горячки.
Хочешь иметь крылья, тогда не мешай им расти.

А может быть - в Питер, и всё образуется...

What to do? Stay green,
Never mind the machine,
Whose fuel is human soul.
Live large, man, and dream small...
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Зарегистрирован: 25.03.2008
Сообщения: 3119

СообщениеДобавлено: 17.03.2012 10:49    Заголовок сообщения: Re: Разум или чувства? Ответить с цитатой

Nuga пишет:
Всем добрый день.
Подскажите, что делать, как принять решение и сделать праивльный выбор?
Здрасте. Как мне когда-то сказала на этом форуме Наталия - вы валите всё в одну кучу - разум, чувства и отношения. А это всё разные вещи. Из разных опер эти арии. Плюс - есть ещё одна хорошая ария - решение.

Начну с последнего и самого простого ответа Холодная улыбка . Решение это то, что принимаете только вы и никакие советы тут не при чём и не могут особо на него повлиять.

Чувства - это то что от вас не зависит. Ну вот вы же видите - вы их не только не планировали, но и не хотели - а они "здрасте вам это мы". Они обычно всегда возникают у двух молодых, симпатичных друг-другу людей, у которых есть общениие. Этот закон (ну... закономерность) - его просто надо знать (ну... - на будущее Холодная улыбка ). И что-бы вы сейчас не решили, это в текущем моменте мало отразиться на силе ваших чувств (они, опять же, обычно только усиливаются от вмешательство в их течение Холодная улыбка ).

Разум... Это тоже просто - он следует (обычно) за чувствами - он все сам себе объяснит, оправдает, представит, итд - и все в сооответствие с вашими чувствами. Если у вас сильнейшее чувство к "нему" - он докажет, что там вам будет лучше (там есть ОН!!!). Если у вас сильное чувство привязанности к "дому" - он построит другую концепцию Холодная улыбка .
Надо сказать, если копнуть немного глубже, здесь наличествует глобальный конфликт двух мотиваций - инстинкта самосохранения и инстинкта размножения (это, вообщем-то, инстинкт один и тот же, но с разными вариациями Холодная улыбка ). Инстинкт самосохранения ненавидит любые перемены в жизни человека и ему неважно хорошие это перемены или нет. Он не пускает человека (ну... - с помощью синтеза различных негативных чувств и страхов) в перемены. С инстинктом размножения (а любовь это уже его секретное оружие) - думаю и так всё понятно - "вперед к любимому! - без него жизнь не мила"! Ну и в результатье имеем то, что у вас сейчас и есть - "рыцарь на распутье" Холодная улыбка .

Отношения. Вот - это самое интересное. Это синтез чувств, разума и решения. Это ещё и самое сложное - все остальное существует как бы независимо от вас - оно "есть" и вы только думаете, что с этим всем делать.

Приблизительная схема (пишу это вроде впервые) взаимодействия этих всех "этих".
Осознав своли "чувства", и пораскинув своим "разумом", человек принимает к-л "решение". И если это решение "да" - то у него сразу должно возникнуть и другое решение-понимание - что люди живут и взаимодействуют друг с другом находясь в "отношениях". И эти отношения не возникают так просто из ничего - они "строятся". И если это строительство пущено на самотек - то из него может вырасти всё что угодно и необязательно что-то хорошее. А если оно планово и целеноправлено (а цель тут одна - мы хотим быть счастливы) и основано на определенных знаниях - то что-то из этого хорошее может и получиться.
Другими словами - если вы оба осознаете, что счастье и семья - это не только чувства (они, тем более любовь, изменчивы), а большая работа по "строительству" этого счастья (а работа ооочень большая предстоит учитывая начальные условия) - то вперёд, в светлое будущее Холодная улыбка .
всё проходит...
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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012
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Откуда: Thailand

СообщениеДобавлено: 17.04.2012 07:57    Заголовок сообщения: supra shoes sale Ответить с цитатой


Ray Ban 3364

Lastly Lastly
<p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">Nike Air Max, a line of shoes released by Nike Inc. in 1987 first time. Since then Nike has been frequently introducing new as well as updated models in it. The USP of Nike Air Max shoes is that it uses a large air cushioning unit at the heel which is visible from the side of the midsole in most models. Another one is Nike Dunk SB, earlier it was priced at $65 to $75 but now the same has been raised to $125 to $250. The Dunk High, one more quality product from Nike Inc. launched in 1985, was re-launched again in the year 2002 and since then the production has been increasing to meet the growing demand.While considering the comfort level to play games such as basket ball the first thing that comes to mind is jumping. Nike Air Max and Nike Dunk High provide the expected dunking that a player needs. To know the price tags of these kind of branded shoes one need to go through the reviews that are available online. For example: Nike Air Max 1 (European exclusives) is a shiny shoe and is produced in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Neil ArmstrongЎЇs lunar landing. All the Nike products are available in exclusive True Jeans or Evisu Jean materials.The brand is known for its comfort level that it provides the playersЎЇ feet with its shoes. Nike Air Max provides support during running and tracking whereas Nike Dunk SB provides the required dunking needed by the players.The company concentrates on the collection for women and kids as well. Women Air JordonЎЇs are efficiently durable and most reliable. They give the support that a women player would expect from any branded company. NikeЎЇs Dunk for women provides the power that the women need to slam dunk on anyone. WomenЎЇs Nike Dunks provide the finest jumping support. One can find the coolest collection of Nike Air Jordan for Men and Women sport shoes in Nike that starts from $59.99 up to $399.99. Even for kids, Nike provides the equally stunning and cute collection in the same price tags. They are quite reasonable to buy along with the comfort level that they provide.The Nike Dunks low and mid provides a spring like comfort for any basket ball player as they jump and land the ground. They help the players to jump higher and the ease that one will feel in the Nike Dunks Mid and low are undoubtedly marvelous. The Nike dunks that are available as low dunk, high dunk and dunk SB are said to the most popular brand of shoes for different category of playing. Say: Nike dunk SB is used by Skaters whereas dunk low/high by basket ball players. Nike dunks high and low; Dunk SB and Air Jordans have become the new face of sneakers industry. It becomes necessary for the players to be keener on type of gear that they use while skating and Nike Dunk SB gives them all. Nike dunk SB for skaters is the populous brand of shoes that any company would have released in the world today.Before going to shop these varieties of products available for players, it is always advisable to go through the price tag and peopleЎЇs review and comments on these sport shoes. Let the best sport wear gives you a better result in winning the game!</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">Nike dunks SB branded shoes are considered to be stylish, comfortable and at the same time extremely sporty. Built out of fine leather, these shoes offer superb skatable support when used for sports such as basketball and skate boarding. Suitable for sudden action, these brands are doubly stitched and high quality. Nike dunks SBs are highly fashionable and regarded as style statements.Nike dunk SB is used all over the world by internationally acclaimed sports personalities. This brand was flaunted by the well known star of basketball Michael Jordan in the introductory period of this brand into the market in 1985. In order to give a sportier look, Nike dunks were combined with multi purpose designs and stitched sole. There are currently more than 65 different varieties of Nike dunks available in the market. Some of the models are namely, Nike dunk SB pro, Nike dunk high, Nike dunk low, Nike dunk premium, etc. In this highly competitive market, Nike stands distinct with its large collection of shoe brands. Nike has become the other name for comfort. Nike SB shoes have been significantly named after the sports it has been particularly designed for, i.e., skate boarding. The flat sole of the Nike SB enables boarders to feel the skate more comfortably. Just to make skate boarding lot more fun, Nike added certain new features in its shoes such as suede toe caps, swollen tongues and the zoom air sole. The best thing about Nike shoes is the varied color combination that it offers so as to enable the buyers pick their choice. It may look awkward sometimes, but all Nike shoes have a multi colored appearance which makes them distinct from other shoes labels. Nike gives importance to individual color selection and encourages free mind. The Nike saying goes Ў°Be trueЎ±. The new concept of color coding has come into picture after a very astonishing incident. A game of basketball where all players of a team had decided to match the color of their Nike dunks with the color of their uniforms. Since then, the makers of Nike shoes have begun putting designs of Nike dunks in multi colored fashion. Initially Nike was introduced as a basketball shoes and later on it was also accepted as a skateboarding wear. Nike dunks SBs appear to be longer and narrower than most other brands. To get the correct pair of Nike dunks for one, they must know the right size to look for. Nike dunks are available in many sizes and designs. It is completely your choice to get the best pair suited according to your need.</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">For a good tennis player, the foot is quicker than his mind. It seems as if the foot has its own intelligence to act upon the bouncing needs. As Tennis needs a lot of side to side movement and forward and backwards movements on the court, itЎЇs very essential that the tennis shoes you wear for your game keeps your feet comfortable. There are lots of shoe brands for tennis shoes that cluster the market for being noticed like Adidas, Fila, Lotto, Prince, Yonex, Babolat, Head, New Balance, ReebokЎ­.. the list goes on. Here are three best pairs of shoes from three famous brands:Nike Air Zoom Mystify IIIImagine shoes being designed just for the needs of a pro, then the Mystify line of Nike is the definite answer. Many top professionals wear Mystify III, including Maria Sharapova and Daniela Hantuchova. Like those pros, this shoe brings performance, glamour and high style to the courts. Beauty of the Mystify is not just skin deep alone. Underneath the shining cosmetics is a powerful technology to bring players' feet closer to the ground for optimum feel and maneuverability: Nike's Zoom Air. The Momentum Control System keeps the shoe stable and offers optimum comfort and performance. To give an added performance feel, Nike's Contour Speed Fit allows the shoe to conform to the foot, giving each player a glove like fit. Adidas CC Feather 2 RemixOnce again, Adidas brings back the popular CC Feather II in this exciting Remix color. CC Feather is one of the best speed oriented shoe available for clay court besides having a glamorous look. The ClimaCool Feather II is a lightweight performance shoe which combines match day performance with the comfort and durability needed for long training sessions. Advanced chassis design promotes air flow to keep your feet cool when the action gets hot. This shoe is a popular choice on the pro tour during the clay court season. Pro players who used this shoe on clay included Marat Safin, Guillermo Coria and Tim Henman.Prince OC-1 Men's ShoesPrinceЎЇs M-Series had a great last and has gained a huge reputation for it. And now built on the same last as the M-Series, the OC-I provides Optimum Cushioning offering more room for a more universal fit while improving on the Precision Tube Technology. The shape of the tubes has been slightly varied by Prince to round instead of oval for more effecient cushioning. Use of lighter gauge Precision Tubes for a softer, more cushioned ride is one of the killer feature of OC-I. An AirMesh tongue and breathable synthetic upper allows feet to breathe and combines with a DriLex lining for lasting comfort during long matches. Lastly, Prince's Goodyear Max outsole features a 6-month durability guarantee!</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">Nike dunks low has been one of the most talked about brand among all the various designs that Nike has launched in the market so far. The low feel and the tough look of Nike low foot wear is what keeps the spirit of gaming alive in the sports men. This shoe form was brought into existence in early nineties. The many versions of the Nike low brand has been liked by overall public and admired for its sleek outline and comfortable heel positioning. This was entirely a new concept in the making of Nike dunk brand of foot wear.With the advancements in the fashion trends, many new features were added to this innovative version of sporty shoes. Nike dunks were re introduced with multi purpose designs and involved more colors. The new colorful shades were extra vagrants and highly demanding, adding to already accepted high tops and low profile designs. Nike dunk low has the extra cushioned toe backs for more comfort and extra reliability. The shoes were made more durable to squeeze out tension between the feet and board. The most important change within the configuration of this show form was the replacement of old rubber soles to zoom air soles so as to provide more grip on and added traction to the floor.Another important observation that has a vital role in the launch of Nike low variety of shoe brand is the similarities between the most loved sport forms of this generation. Basketball and skate boarding are two well known sports that are the most loved among American fans. Both these sports require quick feet and tie movement and high strain. This is what primarily gave birth to the concept of extra cushioning and zoom air soles in this brand of Nike dunk low shoes. Apart from this, both these games are played upon hard surfaces and need perfect balance for superb performances. This is when the need for low soling and high tops came into picture.The finishing and elegance of the shoe is visible from top to bottom. The Nike low shoe brand has rather become the style statement for the new generation. The puffy tongues and doubly stitched sole bring added attraction for the dunk low branding. Nike dunk low is already available in various new designs at all leading shoe stores and Nike outlets. The best thing about this shoe pair is that they are highly cost effective and available at reasonable prices. The lowest range of Nike lows start from as low as $65 and $99.</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">The Custom Air Force Ones from the very day they were launched in the market, met with great acceptance of the crowd because they were fantastically designed and they were incredibly comfortable. The Ў®air technologyЎЇ is nothing but highly pressurized air trapped under the sole of the shoe to give the foot perfect buoyancy and never-before-felt comfort.The Custom Air Force Ones were received so well by the public that in 1986 Nike based on the tremendous boost in its sales, crossed for the first time a turnover of $1 billion. From then on everything is history. Nike has since brought out many models based on the air cushion and with it grew into a larger than life company. Between 1990 and 2000, in the short span of ten years, Nike opens more than 14 Niketown stores which actually further establish its name on the global market. But let us come back to our Custom Air Force Ones (ing out, we can hardly wait to see what Air Jordan and Nike have to offer next.</p>

Reference material:


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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012
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Откуда: Thailand

СообщениеДобавлено: 17.04.2012 07:57    Заголовок сообщения: bieber shoes Ответить с цитатой


Ray Ban 2132

<p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">There are various types of pants suitable for different occasions; and they come even in women plus sizes. One type of pants that plus sizes women usually wear is the Khaki pants. Khakis have liberated more women from the casual business wear conundrum than any other wardrobe. Previously, it was part of menЎЇs wear but designers have been making great looking khakis for women plus sizes in more than a decade now. They are now worn as part of business attire, formal wear or even casual office wear. The essence of khaki pants is the fabric. Fashion experts suggest that Khakis should be in medium weight. If it has too light fabric, they lose their shape and the tailored look that defines them. Too heavy, and you end up with something closer to corduroy which feels heavy when you move. True khakis are made of cotton twill. You will find stretch khakis in plus sizes stores, and occasionally a pair will fit. However, oftentimes stretch twill fits in all the wrong places, making it uncomfortable to wear the clothing. Avoid stretch twill khakis because when you try them on, you find they pull at the knee, the waist or the hip. Try non-stretch fabrics in women plus sizes for a better fit. Khakis look great with polo shirts, pinstripes and other tailored tops.</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">I find it fascinating that as people, we are drawn to the idea of being part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to find unity and yet still be unique, we want to have similarities but not be the same.For me, religion is a classic example of where people can find unity and common ground, or common beliefs. So a couple of weeks ago, I tried out the whole religion thing. I've not been bought up in a religious family, nor was my school particularly religious- although we sang hymns and the such like, prayer time was more of an opportunity to sit with my eyes half shut whilst sneakily looking around to see who was genuinely into this praying malarkey, then usually discovering that the rest of the school was doing the same. So this was my experience. My boyfriend has been bought up in a very religious family and for him, popping off to church for the evening, was probably equated to the ease at which I could pop to the pub. But church for me was quite an event, so I took the plunge one week and went with him. We got fed (great!) and it was cheap (very great!) but I have to say that I was quite surprised to see a bunch of Christian grandma's dishing out rice and veg, with a decent sized lump of chicken breast on each plate. Ў°That's funnyЎ±, I thought Ў°they've managed to get gods permission to eat his creatures. There must be some sort of arrangement, where they spread his love and he lets them know it's ok to eat chickenЎ±. Still I know that Jesus ate fish and if it's good enough for himЎ­.After the food, the vicar got up and did a presentation about Jesus and how we can know that he really existed. It was a good presentation. The vicar was quite charismatic and pretty funny too. Then after that, we sat at our tables and had a chat about what the vicar had talked about. It seemed that all the regulars were pretty sold on what the vicar had said, and I felt like a bit of a trouble maker by throwing some new ideas into the agenda. It's not that I didn't believe that Jesus walked the earth, in my opinion, he probably did. But I don't think he was the only smart spiritual being to have ever set foot on our planet. There's a lot of convincing stuff about other religious folk from other religions. This concept wasn't welcomed I found, when I planted it on 'em. Now, don't get me wrong, they were a nice bunch and no-one accused me of being in cahoots with the devil when I told them that I'm a hypnotist (although that has happened since!) But when they began to discuss the power of prayer and I linked this to a higher consciousness rather than a higher being, I knew I was pushing my luck.The thing for me, is that life is filled with possibilities, all the time in everything that you ever do or say, you have an abundance of other possibilities that you could take. How then, could anything you ever do, ever be wrong, or sinful. Would someone so great, powerful and majestic as god really spend his time watching a DVD of each of us throughout our entire lives, ready to place judgement on us when our time is up, and tell us if we're spending the rest of eternity in his kingdom or in the fiery furnace of hell. That's a tough call, how would He ever decide. Some people have done some really bad stuff, but they might have done it with a positive intention.You're probably guessing by now that I am in no way qualified to speak about religion. I don't claim to be, but bear with me.My other concern for a long time has been, that there are a lot of good people in the world. Surely then heaven must be suffering from over crowding, not least from the vast array of rabbits, hamsters, and goldfish I've had over the years, that my nan told me had all gone to heaven when they'd popped their clogs. I guess there are dead architects up there, god must have got them to create high rise building like they have in China. Especially since Jesus said that the entire kingdom of heaven is smaller than the mustard seed.If you were married and your partner died, then you met someone else and got married again, which partner do you end up spending the rest of eternity with when you die?In my confusion, I decided to relate what I'd learnt to the presuppositions of NLP, since they had for me for the last few years, been my bible.This is what I came up with.Everyone has a unique model of the world. This could mean that what you absolutely believe to be true, is true (for you at least) so if one person has absolute belief in god, then he exists, and if someone else believes that he doesn't then, for that person, he doesn't.The map is not the territory. In quantum physics, the whole contains the part and the part contains the whole. In the same way that an apple contains a part which is just a seed, the seed contains all the information required to grow into a tree and create further apples. So I could be god (it has been said!) at the quantum level. When I die the tiniest quantum part of me that remains, could be god, who has the power to create further things. The meaning of all behaviour is dependent upon the context it exists in. This might means that there is no judgement at death.All behaviour has a positive intention and everyone one is doing the best that they can with the resources that they have available. No hell maybe? Everyone has all the resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcome. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.There is no failure only feedback. My flesh and my heart may fail, but god is my strength for ever.I'd never thought about NLP as a spiritual tool before, more as a series of change techniques, but this ever evolving subject continually inspires me to take on new perspectives in my life. I'm thinking now about starting up a spiritual group- no not a cult!- something where people can meet together and discuss their ideas about the meaning of life etc. It will probably create more questions than answer, but what's the harm in that. When we think we know the answer to something, we become cut off from all of the other possible answers. When we have only questions, we also have the wealth of possible answers- you might like to call that confusion! Possibilities create many opportunities, and I suppose the one thing that I discovered about my introduction to religion, is that sometimes religion is about stating what you can and can't do, say or believe, how you should or shouldn't behave and this could limit life's opportunities. I'd like to be part of something that is open to limitless possibilities of being, I think that that's the way god would like me to be.</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">The tapestry wall hangings are making a comeback through a revival of traditional decor designed to appeal to the interiors of a modern home. So, grace your walls with our exclusive tapestry wall hangings. Their exquisite style and design would fill your home with a rich and wonderful artistic splendor. At homedecorwallhangings.com, we offer some of the finest pieces of wall hanging tapestries at highly reasonable prices. Our tapestry wall hangings offer diverse options to ornate your home with something out of the ordinary that blends with the modern way of living. Tapestries continue to remain interior designerЎЇs delight and are recreated by skillful craftsmen. The themes that are woven in our tapestry wall hangings, such as the senses and unicorns, are as popular today as the day the original wall tapestries were created. Our wall hanging tapestries are a unique form of art that shines above the plethora of mass production and stands alone as a true work of art.To add an elegant, refined, and graceful touch to your home decor, you could choose from our huge collection of European tapestries, such as Belgian tapestries, French tapestries, Italian tapestries, and many more. At homedecorwallhangings.com, we believe in ensuring complete customer satisfaction by offering the highest quality in tapestry wall hangings and other tapestry products.Usually, the images that are woven on our tapestry wall hangings are inspired by the Renaissance, the European era, or it could be from some other time period. At homedecorwallhangings.com, you could choose from a wide variety of themes in wall tapestries, such as landscape, lifestyle, countryside, romance, relationships, religion, history, nature, flora and fauna, and many more. The beautifully woven designs of wall tapestries exude warmth and elegance, bound to leave your guests, friends, and family astonished with their visual appeal.We have an online catalogue through which you could get enough information about our different types of tapestry wall hangings and price range. Along with wall hangings, we also offer a number of tapestry utility items like tapestry cushion covers, throws, mats, table runners, and many more at best market prices.</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">A virus is known to many as an agent that causes different diseases. They have many modes of infecting all of the members of the animal kingdom. Although there are different types of viruses, they have one commonality; they are all harmful. Nowadays, the term virus has taken a different turn when it comes to the meaning. Now, it is more commonly associated with anything that brings a computer to its demise or to something close to that.Computer virus has to be the most popular phrase when the thought of internet comes to the minds of most people. The reason is that they remember the destruction it brings. Computers have changed the way all people live. It has become important in all aspects of living may it be politics, religion or business. Just when we thought it could not get better, the Internet came along. Among all of the benefits of the internet, the one that people are most happy about is how it made communication much easier. In the old days, the only connection you have to your loved ones in other countries is through mail or telephone. Now, there are more efficient and faster ways of communicating. You can send an e-mail or a private message which will only take a few seconds and your message will be received immediately.This advancement took a tragic turn when someone smart enough decided to make a computer virus. A computer virus, sticking to the true meaning of the word virus, is something that infects a computer, jams its programs and causes many problems to the user. It can bring any time of destruction from a small computer glitch to making your whole computer system crash.Sadly, there are many ways that a virus is transferred from one computer to another. Storage devices such as USB can be a medium to transfer a virus. If two or more computers are connected via a network connection, a virus can be transferred. The most devastating news is that not only can it be transferred offline; it can be transferred online too. The internet became the most notorious aspect of the computer when it comes to getting it infected.This is why the whole world, or the people who uses computers, rejoiced at the birth of antiviruses. These are the programs that are designed to track down and get rid of computer viruses from its system. Now, there are many ways on how to protect your computer using antiviruses. Although there are many antivirus programs out in the market today, they have one common factor: they prioritize prevention. They gave importance of detecting a virus that is threatening to invade a computer so that they can block it before it can cause any harm. Now, antiviruses are also wise enough to detect viruses that are already in the computer before they were installed and delete or clean it.Aside from antiviruses, the users can also follow guidelines to prevent their computer from getting infected such as donЎЇt access sites that are about pornography since most viruses are found here.</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">Did you know that the average woman tries on 14 pairs of jeans before making a purchase, but a trip to the Zafu website can speed the search for the perfect pair. Visitors to the site spend just two minutes answering 11 questions about their fit issues with jeans, including body shape, style preferences, and size - no tape measure needed. Zafu then makes suggestions on which jeans will fit the user best. The experience has customers raving. While online return rates at some retailers run as high as 50 percent, Zafu boasts an amazing 94 percent satisfaction rate on its recommendations. Zafu can match users to over 90 U.S. denim brands and 300 different jeans. Some of the favorite brands are:Citizens of Humanity, 7 For All Mankind, Lucky, Hudson, True Religion, Baby Phat, JLO by Jennifer Lopez, and Paper Denim and Cloth. They also recommend jeans from top jean retailers including: Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, American Eagle, and Polo. Once Zafu makes its suggestions the customer can click on a pair and read a detailed description, extensive reviews of the fit, and see multiple views. To complete the purchase of any of the jeans presented, Zafu forwards them to the appropriate online retailer. Zafu's secret tool was developed after six years of comprehensive fit research, combined with the wealth of knowledge they acquired from assessing and observing women trying on hundreds of pairs of jeans. Ranking third on TIME magazine's Top Ten Websites of the Year, Zafu was launched in 2006. The wealth of information available through the site far exceeds the information available from a typical sales person in a retail outlet. CEO Robert Holloway and team utilized their custom fit software to design a Web site to help women find the perfect pair of jeans. "Shopping online is not just about finding products - it's about finding products that are right for each customer," says Holloway. Zafu's site also contains cool information on fashion trends and news. In their "Deep in Denim" section there are a fit guide, Style Scoop, and Fresh Laundry. There is also the Denim Blog. In the "ask a friend" feature, visitors can e-mail a friend to get an opinion about a certain pair of jeans. Almost like shopping with a friend! To spread the word about Zafu's site, there is a monthly drawing for a free pair of jeans for all those who "asked a friend".</p><p style="text-indent:2em; padding:0px; margin:0px;line-height:240%;">Derived from the Greek word Ў°AdamasЎ± which means unconquerable or indestructible, diamond has long been considered as the most precious gemstone on earth. It has been sought after, fought over, worshipped and even used to cast love spells in the early years. It has been treasured as an invincible gemstone since its early use as icons in the Indian religion and it was only in the 19th century that the popularity of this material has risen due to several developments. The improved cutting and polishing techniques, as well as the growth of the world economy in 19th century have contributed much to the rise of diamond.Naturally, diamond is a polymorph of carbon, the chemical element that holds a special and important part to all life. It is carbon in its most concentrated form, but unlike its close cousin, graphite, diamond possesses a number of different structures and extreme properties that made it worth prized as a gemstone with unparalleled sheen and brilliance.There is much to be said about the properties of diamond. But to tell you the basics, this natural mineral actually is known throughout the world as the hardest material found on earth. It is four times harder than the corundum (sapphire and ruby), which is but considered as the next hardest natural mineral. Many resources have also stressed that diamond is a perfect 10, reaching that number which defines the top of the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. It also has an absolute hardness value of between 167 and 231 gigapascals, and it is with this property actually that diamond is named as such.Aside from hardness, diamond is highly valued for its optical properties. According to several studies, this carbon polymorph has a high dispersion of visible light. It splits white light easily into its component colors, and it is this certain property that makes it a highly valued gemstone. It is also this property that gives it the so-called impressive Ў°prismaticЎ± action which is said to result in fire, especially if the stone is well cut.The diamond possesses other notable electromagnetic properties aside from its being fluorescent. In the first place, this gemstone is said to be a good electrical insulator, except for most blue diamonds that are noted for their being great semiconductors. It is also a good conductor of heat despite its being an electrical insulator. Well, this property resulted from its having a strong covalent bonding within the crystal, and itЎЇs interesting to know that because of its high thermal conductance, diamond is now used in a number of semiconductor manufactures for one particular purpose ЁC to prevent the silicon and other semi conducting materials from overheating.With such properties, itЎЇs no wonder that diamond for long years has been sought and valued commercially throughout the world. This is true even today.Get more information about Travel and Hotels and Wellness and Beauty at ShopperArticles.com.</p>
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